João Francisco Rodrigues


My approach


Psychology and psychoanalysis are the base for my psychotherapeutic work and are fundamental for reaching therapeutic goals and making the best possible use of the tools Somatic Experiencing provides

Somatic Experiencing

Somatic Experiencing is a body-oriented therapeutic model that focuses on psychobiological bottom-up approach to psychotherapy

Safety, Curiosity & Integration

Safety is the first and most important aspect of my approach. It is by identifying and feeling safe that we can be Curious about our life as humans. Once we feel safe and curious we can finally address whatever our emotions and thoughts bring us and Integrate the changes achieved in therapy

I’m a young therapist who values the role of the body in the process of therapeutic work. Having been through my own journey allows me to provide support needed for my clients to go through their process and find a path that feels authentic to them.



Neurophysiology Technician

Somatic Experiencing Practicioner

Clinical Psychology Intern
CEC - Centro de Etnopsicologia Clinica ISPA


Master's in Clinical Psychology
ISPA - Instituto Universitário

Somatic Experiencing
Somatic Experiencing Int®

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